The hotel provides complimentary shuttle service to and from the airport by reservation only. The hotel is 20 minutes from the airport. Self-parking and valet parking at the River Spirit is complimentary. The hotel room block is closed but rooms are still available at the standard hotel rate. Grantees should ensure sufficient travel funds remain in their budget to cover the costs of grant program required training, and keep a copy of this notice in their grant file for audit purposes. No Grant Award Modification (GAM) submission in JustGrants is required. Moore, OVW Deputy Director for Tribal Affairs, OVW Tribal Governments Program, Tribal Jurisdictions Program, Tribal Sexual Assault Services (TSASP) Program, Tribal SAUSA Program, and Tribal Coalitions Program grantees are authorized to support travel costs for up to five (5) persons to attend the “18th Annual Government-to-Government VAW Tribal Consultation”, utilizing grant funds, without prior approval from their Program Manager.
Notice to OVW Tribal Affairs Division Grantees: Per Sherriann C.